They don’t say ‘Age is just a number’ for nothing. Time and again, we have seen examples of how this adage is true.
And here is another example of this fact.
LC “Buckshot” Smith is a police officer and hails from the small town of Camden in Arkansas.
And can you imagine his age?
A mere 91-years!
Isn’t this unbelievable?
With his 92nd birthday in May this year, he is one of the oldest police officers in the United States.
Smith had joined the police force in the 1960s and was a sheriff deputy at the Ouachita County Sheriff’s Department for 46 years before he retired. However, his retirement did not last for long as he realized that he missed his work. So, he got back and now, has worked in law enforcement for more than 56 years.
He is one of the most loved officers in his city, with many calling him a dedicated officer. All the citizens stop by whenever they see him to have a quick chat.
Texann Shadden, a training coordinator at the department, recalls an example of Smith’s dedication – one year when the snowfall was particularly severe, “Buckshot” Smith walked about three blocks to work in the snow because he couldn’t get his car out.
“This badge and gun don’t make a you a police officer. You got to respect people,” Smith said about his work.
When does he plan to retire? Not anytime soon! He says he’ll retire “when the good lord says so.”