This teacher celebrated her birthday by gifting saplings to her students

“Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are.” – Harold S. Kushner

How would you like your birthday to be celebrated? Amidst great friends, supportive family, and wonderful gifts? With maybe some sumptuous cakes?

A school teacher in South India celebrated her birthday a little differently. How? By gifting saplings of plants to her students!

This heart touching video shows the school teacher giving away saplings to the school kids. The children’s smiles show how happy they are to receive these thoughtful gifts.

This video was posted in a local group on Facebook and went viral within a day.

Watch it now, it will surely bring a smile on your face!

Don’t you think this is a wonderful idea to celebrate your birthday? Let us know what you think of these gifts.

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