World’s first hotel in space to open by 2027

Image Source: Voyager Station

The construction of the world’s first hotel in space will begin by 2025, and, if all goes well, it could be operational by 2027.

Orbital Assembly Corporation, the organization behind this interesting and ambitious interstellar project, recently unveiled its plans to construct this, literally, out of the world project.

Called Voyager Station, this hotel is expected to accommodate around 400 guests. It will also be equipped with restaurants, a spa, a gym, and a cinema.

It will, essentially, feature a series of pods that will be attached to the outside of a giant rotating ring. “Voyager Station is a rotating space station designed to produce varying levels of artificial gravity by increasing or decreasing the rate of rotation. Artificial, or simulated, gravity is essential to long term habitation in space,” the official website explains.

Orbital Assembly Corporation also hopes to sell some parts of the hotel to permanent stakeholders that include government agencies looking to use the site as a research facility and a training center for their astronauts.

“This will be the next industrial revolution,” said John Blincow, the founder of Gateway Foundation, which will run some of the Voyager’s pods.

While the costs of building this hotel or the costs of living in it have not been revealed, they could be exorbitant.

Doesn’t this seem super interesting?

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