Indiana man paints massive American flag as a tribute to frontline workers

Image Source: CNN

People across the world are doing all they can to pay their respects to corona warriors – the heroes on the frontline of the battle against the virus.

A few days back, a farmer from the United Kingdom ploughed a beautiful sign of NHS with a rainbow in his farm.

Here is another such story of a group from Indianapolis, United States who did all that they could to applaud frontline workers.

Justin Riggins, along with his family and friends from Indiana, painted a massive American flag that measured an area of over a whopping 10,000 square feet. The group spent a total of two days and 30 gallons of paint to bring to life this gigantic structure. On the whole, the flag measures 78 by 137 feet, and covers 10,686 square feet.

“With everything that everyone is going through in this pandemic, I wanted something positive for people,” Riggins told CNN. “I’m very patriotic and I wanted to recognize there are a lot of heroes on the front lines.”

“We are all in this together,” Riggins said. “We need something positive right now.”

The beautiful blue, red, and white colours on the American flag are visible when people fly by this mammoth structure. And Riggins does not plan to take the flag off anytime soon. He wants to leave the flag for throughout the year, touching it up when needed.

Isn’t this a wonderful way to laud the frontline workers who are doing all that they can to save us from this pandemic? What do you think? Do let us know your views in the comments section below.

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