Top Resolutions for a Healthy New Year


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The New Year is almost here. And so is the time to usher in a more positive and optimistic outlook. This is also, then, the time to make newer promises and resolutions to become better. And what better promises than promises towards our own health. It is, after all, rightly said that health is wealth!

With the frenetic pace of today’s life, it is imperative that we make an effort to be more healthy – both physically and mentally. Here is a list of a few resolutions that all of us must make for a healthier 2019.

1. I Will Exercise more Regularly

Studies have, time and again, proven that regular exercise has multifarious advantages. The benefits are not limited to physical well being; regular exercise also enhances mental wellness. In terms of physical benefits, exercise helps to reduce weight, build stronger muscles and bones, increase energy levels, and reduce the risk of many diseases.

In terms of mental health, it makes one feel happier, improves the quality of sleep, enhances mood, and keeps depression at bay.

Aren’t these reasons enough to begin some form of exercise? While hitting the gym is certainly one way of doing so, there are other ways of exercising too. Practising certain sports, or just walking is good enough.

2. I Will Meditate

While symptoms of physical health deterioration can be felt, symptoms of mental diseases might not be as obvious. Hence, it is all the more important to ensure that we are mentally fit and well. One great way of doing so is meditating. Reducing stress and anxiety, enhancing self-awareness, and helping in overall well-being are just a few of the many benefits of meditation.

There are many wonderful videos online that can help you with this process.

3. I will Choose my Liquids Wisely

Yes, there are varied types of liquids and this new year, let’s choose them wisely.

Water is an elixir that many of us take for granted. It flushes body wastes, helps maintain blood pressure, improves skin quality, and assists with weight loss. Let’s choose to drink more water this new year. While this might vary, experts recommend that two to four litres a day is a good amount. Meanwhile, we can also do with a limited amount of alcohol intake. However, let’s resolve to avoid sodas and aerated drinks that really provide nothing of value to our body.

4. I will Get Adequate Sleep

Just as a machine needs rest, so our body needs rest to be able to perform at its best. Sleep helps the body recoup and rejuvenate. Hence, a good night’s sleep is important. Also, the old adage, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise” holds relevance even today.

This new year, let’s consciously try to improve our sleeping cycles.

5. I will Avoid Packaged and Junk Food

While convenient and easy, packaged and junk food are certainly not healthy. The high sodium content and trans fats, excessive use of preservatives, and added sugars are detrimental to physical health. Excessive consumption of such foods might, in the long run, result in conditions such as diabetes, high BP, obesity, high cholesterol, and cardiac problems.

6. I will Get More Home-Made Meals

Adding on to the previous point, what better way to stay healthy than cooking your own, fresh food each day! This new year, let’s resolve to cook our own meals. Nothing can be more satisfying than a great meal that you have made for yourself.

7. I will Schedule Periodic Health Checks

Preventive healthcare is the order of the day. Unfortunately, many of us wait for a tragedy to befall us before we schedule a health check-up. This new year, let’s ensure that this changes and that we understand that prevention is, indeed, better than cure.

These are a few of the resolutions that we are making for a healthy 2019. What are yours? Do share them with us!

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