With social media giving hundreds of insecurities every single day, happiness seems distant these days. The millennials have it tougher than any of the other generations in terms of staying happy and motivated amidst the chaos.
But, what if being happy is not so hard?
Smiling is contagious!
They say that happiness is a feeling that can be attainable. As funny as this might sound, there are a few things that happy people repeat every day. According to renowned psychologist Martin Seligman, happiness is determined mostly by environment and genetics. However, it can also be controlled by our personal attitude and approach. Here’s how:
Spending Time with Happy People, As Much as You Can
Happiness all around
Isn’t it widely known that positive attracts positive? In the same way, the more time you spend around happy people, the happier you become. We, humans, have a tendency to seek energy from people around us. Be it sadness or happiness, we tend to absorb these feelings.
For instance, do you remember that toxic relationship in your life that made you sad without even intending to? We can sit and laugh with toxic people as much as we can, but still be unhappy. The answer is right above. Your human body requires happy vibes around to keep it healthy and happy. Make sure you give it that joy.
After all, joy is contagious right?
Learn to Give Happiness
Gift happiness
Ever wondered why it makes you so happy when you give your friend a gift? Numerous studies have shown that giving certainly makes you feel happier. Giving love, happiness, or even a small gift can make a huge difference in your life. You can look around and find ways to make people happy with something you can get them. Be it a book, a pen, or a plant. And why just material things. Give others your time, or cook them a good meal.
Giving triggers hormones such as oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin that lead to the happiest of feelings.
This stage of happiness has been previously defined as ‘helper’s high.’ It refers to a euphoric state of the people who give time, money, or energy to others. Help others be happy, and get happiness in return. Good deal, right?
Always Celebrate the Good Stuff
Celebrating little things
Every time something goes wrong, we all go out of the way to bash ourselves, don’t we?
Well, it is time to stop doing that and start appreciating the little things that go right on that day. The pursuit of happiness is usually very underrated, and it should be found in the simple pleasures of life. Take out time in a busy day to appreciate things that go well. It can help boost your mood and make you really happy!
This kind of silver-lining also offers tonnes of health benefits. It can reduce stress, lessen pain, and protect you against heart diseases. It is very important to be present and be happy in the small moments. Be it a good meal, a strong connection with a loved one, or rain on a sunny day, you must just learn to be happy. It would feel so self-fulfilling that negativity wouldn’t even get to you.
Smile without Any Inhibitions and Boundaries
As much as we want to be happy without any particular reason, it gets tough, doesn’t it?
Let me break this to you that no one wakes up happy every single day. But most happy people try to look for the good even in the bad.
Keep yourselves on the hustle to be happy every single moment. If you chase happiness, it will come to you at any time of the day. On harsh days, even if you are not happy, make sure you wear a smile on your beautiful face. Genuine smiles and happiness have the power to change the worst mood in the world.
As hard as it sounds, the act of trying to be happy and smiling always works. Choose happiness, and it will choose it.
Acknowledge the Presence of People – In Person
We can’t argue the fact that it is easy to make friends on the internet but turns out that this is really not that helpful for your state of mind.
Making friends on the internet is one of the favourite things we millennials want to do. However, in-person conversations are the most productive for your wellness. They help you develop the habit of listening and concentrating on how people feel. It helps you make a purposeful conversation than small talk, leaving you feeling more satisfied.
In-person conversations are said to reduce anxiety and induce happy feelings. As much as you love talking to your internet friends, make time for the ones in front of you.
Develop a Thick Skin
It’s okay
Empathy is a beautiful trait to have, but it doesn’t always do good to you. The more sensitive you become to feelings, the more they affect you. Resilience is often said to be the opposite of depression. If you develop a thick skin and take whatever comes your way, you can learn to stay content. Whenever you fail in life, make sure you bounce back harder to become happier. When you don’t let the slightest of things get to you, that’s when you attract happiness.
Don’t let setbacks and failures take up any of your energy, time, or space in your mind. Every time you let a person’s judgement enter your mind, you remove the positive ideas and give the negative one’s space. Is it really a wise thing to do? THINK TWICE.
If You Can Come this Far in the Article, You Can Definitely Put in Efforts to Make Your Life Happier.
Always remember, happiness is a choice that you make on a few days. There can be glum days to make you feel worse but you can get through with a smile. While sad moments cannot be avoided, happiness can guide you through. Remember to smile as much as you frown on a day.
Stay happy and healthy!
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